martedì 27 novembre 2007


Violence, starvation, illness, desolation: people die, could you explain it to Italian political class?! Please!!!
One of the reasons why Romano Prodi is our prime minister is that, before the election, he promised that Italy would had left all those wars that don't belong to our country.
This has not happened and our soldiers are dying there, this is not peacekeeping, this is WAR.
We want to export democracy, it could be a noble action, but it is not the real reason why our people is leaving our country, their family, to risk their lives in a foreign country and for a war that don't belong to anyone but USA.
Italian soldiers had built a bridge 15 km far away from Kabul and last saturday they organised an "inauguration feast", but a kamikaze exploded killing an Italian soldier and 9 afghan citizens (6 children) and wounding 3 other soldiers.
Who die in Afghanistan is a heroe here in Italy, a national funeral is organised for those who simply made their job.
What about the thousands of people who die building a house, working in a factory, they made their job, but noone cares about them, they die in everybody's indifference !
We have to leave this war, it's not our war, non governative organizations have to help people, let's help them, let's give them money!

ps: what about Bin Laden? What a funny game hide-and-seek!!!

mercoledì 21 novembre 2007


In Italy there are 6 main television channels: 3 of them are public and 3 are private.
Democracy tells us that information should be completely free from political control, either it is offered by a public or a private society. Isn't it?
Well, the 3 public channels are controlled by a commission which is elected by the government and the owner of the 3 private channels is Silvio Berlusconi, our "beloved" ex prime minister.
You can image what we know about what really happens in our country, you're right: almost nothing!
When Berlusconi was prime minister everybody suspected that information was ill, we couldn't trust journalists, they followed the power, even if they should have followed the ethic and moral rules that their job entails.
Now we know it for certain!!!
In fact, today, the newspaper "Repubblica" has published the telephonic conversations (registered in 2005) among people who work both in the public and in the private channels, during the elections . In their conversations these people talked about what to say and what to hide during the newscasts, and what to do in order to help Berlusconi in winning the election, that, now we know, he lost.
Now Romano Prodi is our prime minister and everybody knows that there are 2 sides of information: the public one in aid of the government and the private one in aid of Berlusconi, so to know more about something we have to listen to both the sides and still know a little part of the truth.
Do you think this is democratic?
Information and political control should be enemies...isn't it?

lunedì 12 novembre 2007


Why 2 groups of boys who're going to the stadium have to hit themselves in a service-station?
Why a policeman has to shoot to be respected?
Why a 26 years old boy has to die in this way?
This is what happened yesterday morning and that's what has disconcerted Italian public opinion.
These the facts: Sunday morning, a group of supporter of the Lazio football team meets accidentally a group of Juventus' supporters in a service-station near Arezzo, in Tuscany. Both the groups were going north, the first one to Milan and the second one to Parma, to follow their favorite teams. Suddenly they had a quarrel and a little fight began, some kick and punch, nothing more.
On the other side of the highway (in another service-station) there were 2 policemen, they saw what happened 60 meters away from them and turned on the hooter of their car in order to panic the people, but this wasn't useful. From this point on, the facts are a little confused: we know that a policeman, while he was running, shoot twice with his gun "in the air", and a bullet reached one of the boys' the neck and he died.
The problem is that the people had already got on their cars, in fact the bullet had passed through the window of the car to reach the boy.
Did the man shoot to panic them or did he want to hit the car?
We don't know yet, what we know is that this is the cause of the anger of the big part of organized groups of supporters who are fighting against police. It looks like a little war, even if the fact it's not directly linked to the world of football. A policeman has killed a boy, but he didn't want to do it (I hope) and, above all, he didn't know he was a supporter.
Groups of neofascists are the leaders of this "war", so we can surely think that they are not fighting for somebody's rights, this has just been the excuse to brake normal order and contrast the power and those who have to keep order.

venerdì 9 novembre 2007

Mary HAD a little LAND!

Italy was one of the biggest agricultural country, and even if nowadays this power is not as strong as before, there are still many rural areas such as Sardegna (the island on the west of Italy).
During these days a small village in Sardegna, called Decimoputzu, has become the heart of a big protest.
Twenty years ago a lot farmers asked the banks for money to start their activities, and the banks gave them the money and assured them economic advantages, in order to help the farmers in giving the money back to the banks.
This was great: with the proper time and this kind of fares the farmers were able to work without big problems.
Unfortunately this is not a fairy tale, and there's not a happy ending. In fact the European Union has recently disapproved the contracts the banks made with the farmers 20 years ago and now the banks want a sum of money too much superior than the one the farmers gave them so they can't pay.
What's the result? 7000, SEVEN THOUSAND (small) companies are going to fail if someone doesn't help them and a lot of them have already sold their lands to pay their debts!!!! 7000, and we have to consider the employees and their families!!!!!!!!
20th November (finally) there will be an assembly in Rome to talk about the problem, but, in the meanwhile, a lot of families are desperate and their mood won't be better after the assembly, considering that Italian bureaucracy is one of the slowest in the world!!!!!!

domenica 4 novembre 2007


Do you want to know one of the biggest Italian problems? LAZINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes it is!!!
Our politicians approve a lot of little laws, which just don't help anyone but them and their interests, but we know: Italy is plenty of problems and when something happens in our country that's the occasion to talk about it. The problem was there months and years before the fact happened, but no one cares about it and when someone dies or something like that that's the moment to react. Italian politicians aren't able to prevent, they try to solve the problem when it's already too big to manage and they aren't often able to face it properly.
There are a lot of immigrants in our country and a big part of them doesn't have a job, but they have to live, they need money: where do they find what they want?
They steal, they push drugs, they do whatever it's necessary to earn money.
This problem of public safety was well known since a long time, but our politicians have tried to face it arguing uselessly among them or proposing laws which were even too strict, so last week a woman was raped and robbed and she has died.
In 2 days the government has discussed and approved a law in order to rule the problem of immigrants, 2 days!!!
The problem is that this is not the first time someone is the victim of this kind of violence: is this the engagement of a political class which really wants to face the problem or is it just a move of a government which risks to "go home" and wants to be saved?